Black Eagle Legends seminar: Master Mark Hutton VIII

Master Mark Hutton, VII dan
Master Mark Hutton, VII dan
Aika: 18.-19.3.2017
Paikka: Tampere

Mestari Mark Hutton 8 dan seminaari

Black Eagle TKD järjestää Tampereella seminaarin yli 12v harrastajille.

Ilmoittautumiset Jussi Somerolle (], joka ilmoittaa osallistujat liiton järjestelmän kautta mukaan (TKDMAN).

Maksut suoraan BETKD'n tilille, ks seminaarikutsu.

Maksujen suuruus ja tarkempi info seminaarikutsussa.

Dear Instructors and students,

We have the great pleasure to invite you all to Master Mark Hutton VIII degree seminar.

Master Hutton is known for his love of Taekwon-Do technical application for self-defence as well as his emphasis of the usage of the body during performance. His approach to the art is efficiency, core and more core.

The seminar will take place in Tampere on the 18-19.3. 2017

We warmly welcome you to Tampere and hope that you will enjoy every minute of that unique experience.

Best Regards,

Master Thierry Meyour
VII Degree
Black Eagle Taekwon-Do Head Instructor.

More information:
